Ordinary miracle
Yesterday I dissolved into the bed.
Slightly irritated by the fuss
Of morning birds and chorus
I woke up when sun was far away.
Now there is enough sundust
To gobble up, enough for my starving soul.
Eight AM sunlight hit me hard.
Heart is galloping in every beat.
I am there doing my work.
But the cover carrying heart and others
Is still finding its strength
Cursing and complaining about
Yesterday's squander of good health
Pleading not do it again.
Heart knows what it craves for.
When the body wakes up from its grave
It will do the exact same thing.
This perishable thing, body
is a complaining old woman.
She won't shut up.
Heart disowned her many times
But heart has no mobility
And every will of it is bound by body.
With creaking sounds body
Was ripped off from the bed,
As it carries the weight of the world.
Almost everyday I think of Lazarus
Not the Lazarus with new spirit
But with that old pathetic spirit.
Lazarus who woke up
when everything fell apart.
Lazarus who waited till apocalypse.
Lazarus who is afraid to die so early
But not too afraid of sleeping.
Every morning I have to win
A battle with muscles bones and spine.
Heart is never tired.
It may take some time to win.
But victory goes with it.
I am Lazarus
And my heart is its Jesus.
It is a miracle.
But it happens.
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